Wednesday, May 4, 2011How to Find Your Father FindingYourFather.com
has a new page today – with tips on how to find one’s father, or anyone, I suppose. I wrote it off the top of
my head and will be adding to it as I think of more avenues onto which father seekers can venture. Originally, I thought it
would be best to focus this site on the decision-making process one needs to go through before looking for a father –
the various possible outcomes of various searches – because you need to be prepared. You need to get your head ready
and that of anyone who will support you in this endeavor – a friend, an adopted mother, your biological mother, a grandparent.
Because the search for a long lost father, or a loved one, is one of the most emotionally-wracking endeavors a person can
undertake. It needs to be done carefully and deliberately. Ideally, you should try to get some time off from work or school
around the time you reach your answers if you can. Because it’s exhausting. I know, because I had to look for my father,
I've interviewed a number of people who've looked for their fathers and read books by father seekers.
the experiences of others who have searched for their fathers, or not searched, will remain the prime focus
of FindingYourFather.com. I decided to create a How To Tips page because though I don’t know how to find everyone --
and some people can’t be found – I realized I can try, because I can – many reporters can. And so the development
of this page is underway. Along the way, a Facebook friend learned of this site and told me about his experience
in finding the parents of an adopted cousin without that cousin’s parents names. This is our first guest writer –
Joe Holt. You can read his account of what happened and his step by step guide to how he did this on Ancestry.com, with which
we are not affiliated, by clicking here. I welcome
comments and questions. And wish the best to all.
3:52 pm edt

FIRST STEPS, AFTER MILLET and VAN GOGH, By Jim Morin, 2011, watercolor and pencil, 9" X 6.5". |
Hilary Bunch 41, of Florida, USA
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A journalist searches for her father:
"I loved it." -- Sara Nelson, as books editor
of O, The Oprah Magazine "When I was 13
or so, the Vietnam War in full flower, reading Graham Greene's The Quiet American let me appreciate fiction in a whole new
way. Years later, Danielle Flood's riveting memoir-cum-mystery-story has let me appreciate Greene and his novel -- and the
intersections of fiction and nonfiction -- in new ways. Such a story! And so beautifully told." -- Kurt Andersen, novelist,
host of the public radio show Studio 360 "Passionate and unflinchingly honest, this is a fascinating memoir that explores the tangled connections
between Graham Greene’s fictional version of wartime Indochina, and the real people there whose actions have haunted the author for most of her life. She is the
child of an affair so much like the one described in the love triangle of Greene’s novel that she is perfectly right
to make her startling claim, “I am a sequel he never wrote.”----Michael Shelden, author of Graham Greene:
The Enemy Within and Indiana State University Professor. "Every once in a while a memoir will appear that has the power to stop us dead...This book relates the triumph
of the indomitable human spirit in the most trying of life's circumstances..." -- Jo Manning, biographer and novelist "Extraordinary and spectacular...a story that connect powerfully and poignantly
with most of us." -- David Lawrence, Jr., international child advocate and former publisher of The Miami Herald "...a work that will outlive us all: compelling, acutely honest and profoundly moving, without being whiny or cruel. That's rare." -- Joe McGinniss,
author, The Selling of the President and others. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE UNQUIET DAUGHTER, CLICK HERE.
Below, the author reads several sections from THE UNQUIET
DAUGHTER to a crowd of more than a hundred at the Books and Books in Coral Gables, Florida. During the Q & A she explains
how she found foreign service and Central Intelligence Agency officers who worked in Saigon with her parents more than 65
years ago, amongst other matters. In the video below, Mitchell Kaplan, founder of Books and Books and the Miami International
Book Fair, book seller and movie producer, introduces former Miami Herald publisher Dave Lawrence to the audience of some
100 persons. Lawrence introduces Danielle Flood.
Danielle Flood - The Unquiet Daughter from Xstreamed
on Vimeo.
read about them, click on a name) Audrey Hepburn, John Lennon, and more to come...
Links http://cryokidconfessions.blogspot.com/ http://connectitblog.blogspot.com/ http://www.bastards.org/